Antique Collecting magazine – new issue out soon

The latest issue of Antique Collecting magazine is out soon – inside we reveal the UK’s best fairs and events for snapping up some great antique and vintage pieces, look close look at British Impressionism, and celebrate the iconic furniture of Thonet. Keep scrolling to find out more about what’s inside.

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Making an Impression: Impressionism isn’t only a purely French affair, British painters also succeeded in the genre

Bargain Hunting: Ever wondered where the experts shop for antique bargains? We reveal the fairs that you should be visiting this summer

Antique expert Roo Irvine with a vintage car

Citizen Cane: Anthony Moss is the owner of a staggering 2,600 walking sticks and canes. Ahead of his new book he shares his collecting tips

A collection of antique walking sticks

The Belle Jar: The elusive American designer Joel Arthur Rosenthal is responsible for some of the finest examples of post-war art jewellery. Antique Collecting discovers more

Jewellery by American designer Joel Arthur Rosenthal

High Fliers: The Rolex ‘Pepsi’ might sound like a refreshing summer drink, but to watch aficionados it is one of the world’s most collectable timepieces on the market

Bent in Shape: Dealer Edward Rycroft praises the bentwood designs of the ground-breaking Viennese furniture maker Thonet

Antique Thonet chair

Fabric of Society: African-American quilts go on show at an exhibition in Birmingham this month. Antique Collecting goes under cover

An antique quilt

An Auctioneer’s Lot: From butterflies to beetles, Charles Hanson digs into insects which delighted Victorian jewellers and their clients

Saleroom Spotlight: Read about some 80 first editions annotated by the literary giants who wrote them going under the hammer in London


PLUS – All the latest news from the top auction houses, events and the market