Meet David Harvey of Harvey’s Antiques
The Cotswolds Art and Antique Dealers’ Association is currently celebrating its 40th anniversary, and looking forward to CADA Art & Antique Fair at Blenheim Palace from February 21 to 24. We caught up with exhibitor David Harvey of Harvey’s Antiques. David has been specialising in 17th, 18th and early 19th-century fine and provincial Antique Furniture, Clocks, Mirrors and works of art for almost 70 years. He continues the tradition of dealing in exceptional items established by his parents many years ago.
Was it something you always wanted to do?
I was brought up in a large family home on the edge of London where there was a regular turnover of pieces coming and going particularly after very 1950s and 1960s dinner parties hosted by my parents.
Were you interested in antiques from a very young age?

I was always interested in the pieces we were surrounded by and my late Father was always on hand to tell me the stories behind the pieces – no dealer could have had a better tutor! I loved going with him on a buying trip if he got a call from one of his suppliers.
What would be your ‘top tips’ for starting/building a collection
It does not matter whether you are starting out collecting football cards or Georgian Furniture – always buy the best you can afford as this will give you the most satisfaction and the fact that you may have to strive to acquire a piece is a reward in itself.
What do you love about working in the Cotswolds
Having moved the family firm from 5 Old Bond Street in the heart of London’s Mayfair to Witney has given me an extra 3 to 4 hours a day which used to be lost on commuting and I can still go to London any time I choose if I want.
What did you do before you became an (antiques/art dealer)?
I ran a department in an Interior Design House in Hamburg, Germany.
What would you do if you weren’t an antiques/art dealer?
I would love to be a rowing coach full time teaching young people the finer points of rowing.
Three words to describe you?
Honest, Passionate, Knowledgeable.
Book you are currently reading?
The Country House Library.