Silver cow gets the cream in Suffolk sale

A naturalistic Georgian silver cow creamer was one of the star lots in a Suffolk auction house’s recent sale of Silver, Objects of Vertu and Fine Art and Antiques.

George III silver cow creamer The George III silver cow creamer at Bishop & Miller‘s auction was made in London in 1784 by the maker Henry Chawner and sold for an impressive hammer of £1,500. The item featured a hinged cover with cast fly and loop form tail-style handle.

Oliver Miller, Managing Director said of the piece, “The workmanship in this piece was really exquisite, beautifully crafted. It featured as part of a small collection and it was a real pleasure to auction such a rare item. There was plenty of interest leading up to auction day so we knew it would be one to watch.”

Day two of the sale featured the Fine Art & Antique items, including an outstanding John Alexander Harrington Bird (1846-1936) oil on canvas of two English pointer hunting dogs. The artwork reached a hammer price of £2,900. Auctioneer Russell Cole who took the paintings section of the auction, said, “There was plenty of interest both online and in the room for this John Alexander Harrington Bird painting, there was strong bidding both online and in the room for this piece and it finally went to a successful bidder online, it is an outstanding piece of artwork to auction.”

Another successful lot of the auction was a fine 19th-century Jerusalem olivewood pedestal desk. The rectangular top desk with moulded edge and three inlaid panels was a stunning example of the craftsmanship on a wonderful piece of furniture and reached a hammer of £3,200.

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