Vintage Bazaar goes virtual

Vintage fairs organiser Clare Powell A stall on the virtual vintage bazaarWest country fairs organiser, The Vintage Bazaar, which runs regular events in Somerset and Wiltshire, is now hosting online events via a dedicated account on Instagram, @thevintagebazaarevents.

The virtual events are held once a month and lets visitors browse and buy items without leaving their own homes.

Co-organiser, Clare Powell, said: “I really wanted to provide a platform for our loyal dealers who were unable to sell at our events due to Covid and the Instagram account seemed the perfect way to do this. I had been holding weekly antique textile sales on there already for the past few years so it seemed like a natural progression. The virtual events can never replace the bustle and noise of the real ones but it looks like it’ll be our new reality for a while yet. The positives however are that it gives our dealers the opportunity to reach a whole new market not just here but abroad as well.”

The upcoming dates for the events are:

  • Saturday August 22
  • Saturday September 26
  • Saturday October 24
  • Saturday November 21
  • Saturday December 12 – Virtual Christmas Vintage Bazaar


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