Antique Collecting – NEW ISSUE OUT NOW
The new issue of Antique Collecting magazine is out now – SUBSCRIBE NOW – to get it delivered to your door and keep scrolling to find out what’s inside this month’s packed Georgian-focused issue
Reign Supreme: A guide to more than a century of Georgian furniture through four consecutive King Georges
Deadly Gins: Take part in your own gin craze – Georgian gin glasses are stylish and affordable says Eric Knowles
Here Come the Girls: Dr Marion Amblard considers the lives and works of the Glasgow Girls – a remarkable group of 19th-century artists
Mourning Glory: Far from being morbid, Georgian mourning jewellery celebrated life and love
Making an Impression: Wedgwood specialist Sophie Guiny reveals three women behind the pottery’s famous Jasperware
Cartoon Network: Delve into the decorative world of the Georgian satirical print with expert Dr Stewart Abbott
Grandeur Designs: Behind the scenes at some of the UK’s best Georgian country houses