Festive friends for dinner
We asked 15 well-known antiques specialists to reveal which designer, artist or figure, past or present, they would most like to invite to Christmas dinner this year, with some surprising results!

Raj Bisram, TV expert and the founder of Kent-based Bentley’s Auctioneers
The person I’d most like to invite to share my meal on December 25 is Father Christmas – I’d really like to see if I could put an
offer in on his sleigh. Can you imagine what it would make at auction?!
Catherine Southon, a regular TV expert
The goldsmith and silversmith Stuart Devlin – in my opinion one of the most ingenious and skilful designers of his time.
Isabel Balmer, auctioneer and Antiques Road Trip expert
I would invite the jewellery designer Sibyl Dunlop (1889-1968) who created some truly beautiful jewellery and silver throughout the 1920s and ‘30s.
Christina Trevanion, owner of Trevanion & Dean and TV regular
While he may not strictly be a designer, I would have to go with Arthur Lazenby Liberty (1843-1917), founder of Liberty & Co.
Roo Irvine from Antiques Road Trip
I would pick a fellow hopeless romantic, Queen Victoria. Many of our antiques come from Victoria’s long reign, which was a wonderful turning point for humanity, witnessing the abolition of slavery.
Timothy Medhurst from Antiques Road Trip
On a Christmas afternoon, apart from my family and friends of course, I would put two of my favourite artists and authors at the top of my guest list: Edward Seago (1910-1974) and Alfred Munnings (1878-1959).
Adam Partridge appears on Flog It, Bargain Hunt and Cash In the Attic
The first name on my list would be Antonio Stradivari, the greatest violin-maker the world has ever seen.
Tim Weeks, expert on Bargain Hunt and auctioneer at Wessex Auction Rooms
I need to bend the rules a little and have a duo join are two men equally responsible for one of my great loves. They are Claude Waterlow Ferrier (1879-1935) and William Bryce Binnie (1886-1963) who designed the east and west stands of Arsenal Highbury stadium in the 1930s.
Elizabeth Talbot, Flog It! regular and auctioneer at TW Gaze
I’m partial to sharing festive cheer with Josiah Wedgwood (1730-1795). He would no doubt prove to be an intelligent and inspiring guest, bringing Georgian elegance to the proceedings.
This content is an extract from the full article that appears in the combined December/January issue of Antique Collecting magazine. Why not take advantage of our great Festive Subscription offer – Antique Collecting for only £25, plus a FREE BOOK – find out more here!